INA Nanny of the Year - Past and Future
INA will be honoring the 2010 Nanny of the Year at their May conference in San Francisco.
What does being selected as the INA Nanny of the Year mean?
For those who have received that honor, being selected as the INA Nanny of the Year means:
• having an opportunity to educate others about the importance of nurturing and supporting the growth of children
• having a public platform to educate others about the important work nannies do
• having a public platform to encourage colleagues to be the best they can be
• being the face of today’s nanny and portraying a positive image of nannies through media opportunities
• being encouraged to become more involved in professional organizations for nannies
• being inspired to give back to the profession
• embracing professional growth
• reenergizing and renewing your passion and love for your career
• being inspired to continue your education
• seeing doors open and having the courage to walk through them
• realizing how much I was loved
• expanding the limits of my comfort zone and braving my way through new territory
• changing in ways that were unimaginable
• growing beyond what I ever thought I could be
• giving something back to the profession that I love.
2006 INA Nanny of the Year Becky Kavanagh share these Words of Wisdom with other nannies ….The experience of being a nominee for INA’s Nanny of the Year is like no other. As soon as I submitted my completed portfolio I thought every professional nanny should have this experience, this challenge. Most of us go through our careers not ever knowing the impact we have in the lives we touch. As part of the process of completing the INA NOTY portfolio you see what you mean to your employers, the nominator, and those who write recommendation letters for you. In my case the three children who have been in my care wrote their own letters which I'll always cherish. Completing this challenge can't help but boost your confidence and allow you to feel how significant your work is. Professionally, nominees and honorees set themselves apart.
Introducing INA Nanny of the Year Mentor Program
This year, past Nanny of the Year award recipients are available to work closely with Nanny of the Year nominees and those individuals who wish to nominate a nanny for the INA Nanny of the Year award. Past Nanny of the Year award recipients have volunteered to help guide nominators and nominees through the nomination and applications process and are available to serve as a resource for those individuals considering nominating a nanny or those nannies considering accepting nomination. Past Nanny of the Year award recipients are also available to work closely with nominees as mentors throughout the Nanny of the Year nomination and application process.
If you are considering nominating a nanny for the 2010 INA Nanny of the Year award or are considering a nomination for yourself and would like to be put into contact with one of our Nanny of the Year award mentors, please contact Glenda Propst . Please include “NOTY Mentor” in the subject line of your email.
Nanny of the Year mentor program...what a great idea!
Nanny in Boston
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